Sunday, January 26, 2020

Day 10 - Videos that speak to me

Day 10, yes, I'm still playing catch up - it's been fun seeing the suggested topics from Paul. A couple of them have stumped me, but I have pushed through. Today is no different.

The challenge for the 10th day was to share a video or a TED talk that we like.

This is an easy blog to write, the problem is trying to figure out 'which' video to share as I have so many that have spoken life into my being through the stumbling blocks of life.

The video I chose to share resonates with me on so many different levels. Through life journeys that ended up in disappointments and failure. Through the family chaos and disfunction. Through heartache and grief - whatever it has been, God's grace has continued to remain constant.

When my heart has been completely shattered by life circumstances, people, or pain (whether it's mental, physical or emotional) - it continues to beat today because of God's love.

Tell your heart to beat again...don't give up. Believe...It's in these moments of life when we think we can't take anymore that we find inner peace, the inner strength to dig deeper and fight harder! Trust me, I'm the evidence...without God's grace, love and forgiveness - I would no longer be living today!

~~Heart to Heart Soul Creations

1 comment:

  1. What a message in that song, I know many that can relate. We have to move forward and don't look back, God will be with us on our journey. Thanks for sharing, I love your butterfly or "fyy-fyy as my great granddaughter calls them


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