Thursday, March 12, 2020

DNA Testing - What Your Ancestors Didn't Tell You

Have you ever thought about doing DNA testing? What stops you from doing so? Did you know that DNA testing can prove or disprove our family heritage, reveal new family members we didn't even know existed and can reveal health issues that are genetic?

DNA testing is used to prevent or delay disease. Sometimes there are indications for DNA testing when no disease is present. In a family in which a genetic disease is known to exist, DNA testing may be able to identify which relatives may get the disease.

Here is an opportunity for you to hear how one Genealogist used DNA to look "Between the Lines: What Your Ancestors Didn't Tell You". 

Please join Patti Huff Smith at the Central Branch, Fort Worth Library on 3/31/2020. 

Heart to Heart Soul Creations


  1. I love learning about my family history. I haven't tested my DNA yet, but I plan to one of these days....

  2. hi Julie! thanks for stopping by...I remember when I did my DNA testing back in 2015 - once I received my results, they were so overwhelming to me that I sat on them for nearly 6 months. I had built out a Family Tree - but had not extended siblings, children of grandparents - and wallaaaa, that's where the DNA matches were coming from. I went from a simple 150 - 200 person tree to now well over 30,000 plus names in my family tree. I have built my great grandparents back to the 11th generation on some branches.

    It's difficult when it get past the 7 - 8th generation as whose to know what is truth and what isn't...especially since I have no idea who these people are! It is interesting to say the least though tracing my great grandparents back as far as I can - even if it's just a name on my tree.

    Today, I check my DNA matches often and I'm amazed at all of the 'new' family I now know and have actually had the pleasure meeting by way of DNA. Many of them have become friends on social media and it's interesting to see their family traditions, photographs, etc.

    Love it! You should definitely test and if you need any pointers, let me know! I'd love to help you get started!!!



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