Saturday, March 21, 2020

Let the Elderberries Take the Strain

Yesterday was International Earth Day, I thought I'd write another post to bring awareness to our planet and something that proves to be beneficial for our bodies. What an opportunity I have in sharing the story of Floating O Farms, Texas Elderberries with you, the public. 


This time last year, I had not ever heard of such a berry. I had no clue what it or they were. I had the opportunity of attending a Family Reunion in Oklahoma with a newly found 5th cousin and her mother. They were my cousin's mother's family. Everyone was so warm, kind and friendly. It was obvious these precious people didn't meet a stranger, and all were welcomed with open arms. 

That's when I met Jason Morris and his family. He and I began talking as he held the door open for us as we arrived. Later in the day, I learned that they had recently relocated to Bogata, Texas area from the town I used to work in, Terrell, Texas. (small world). I worked at the State Mental Hospital there for almost 8 years. 
During our conversation at the Family Reunion, Jason shared with me why they had moved. They wanted to go into farming. Not just any kind of farming, but farming Elderberries. That piqued my interest. I wanted to know more about what these Elderberries were and what kind of benefits they offered people. The day came to an end and my cousins and I began making our way back to Texas. It was about a 3-hour drive from where we were to our Texas destination.  Keeping my earlier conversation fresh on my mind, once home - I sent Jason and his wife a message thanking them for being so warm and gracious to us during the day. I mentioned I would like to learn more about his farming venture as I was very curious at this point...

I began following Floating O Farms, Texas Elderberries on Facebook. When I'd see a post that I wasn't sure about and I'd inquire. I began learning about the benefits of Elderberries. During my quest of learning about these berries, I learned that they are a natural Tamiflu but better...they are a natural antiviral. They also boost your immune system and stop the flu virus from attaching to good cells so it cannot replicate. WOW - this blew me away...natural Tamiflu? Why hadn't I heard of this my quest was on to learn more.

Over the course of the last several months, I've asked Jason how the farming venture was coming along. You see, his family was literally cultivating the farm from the ground up in order to build Floating O Farms. He shared pictures with me and the content of their progress. This has truly been a work in progress. A labor of love with a great deal of dedication. 
Clearing the way

The timber
Preparing the way for the farm

The Well House

Jason's Family

There are many benefits of why Elderberry Syrup can be beneficial to our bodies. The TOP 5 are:  

1. Cold & Flu Relief - Elderberry is an excellent immune system booster. It is also known to help relieve cold and flu symptoms while reducing the duration of sickness.

2. Allergy Relief - The flower of the elder plant is known to be an effective herbal remedy for the treatment of allergy and hay fever-like symptoms. 

3. Lower Blood Sugar - Both elderflowers and elderberries have been used to treat diabetes. Research has shown that elderflowers stimulate glucose metabolism and the secretion of insulin. 

4. Cancer Prevention - Elderberry is rich in anthocyanin, flavonoids and other polyphenolics, which have high antioxidant capacity and have demonstrated significant chemopreventative potential in lab studies. 

5. Heart Health - There is research that suggests elderberry extract may improve cardiovascular health and benefit high blood pressure. 

After reading the TOP 5 benefits, I can see now why the Elderberry Syrup can assist in taking the strain from our bodies. 

The Elderberries of Floating O Farms are packed with Vitamins A, B and C, iron, potassium, and other powerful antioxidants. This farm provides delicious, wholesome, and nutritious elderberries for their consumers. 

Floating O Farms uses sustainable organic farming practices for the cultivation and growth of our native Texas elderberries. 

Elderberry Plant

Floating O Farms uses the natural resources of the land to grow and cultivate Elderberry Wellness Syrup that assists with our Immune System Support. 

As the inaugural representative of the Elderberry Industry for the State of Texas, Floating O Farms is expanding the knowledge, profitability, marketability, and sustainability of elderberries both regionally and nationally alongside other farmers, cooperatives, and manufacturers.

I encourage you to visit Floating O Farms to reserve your bottle of Elderberry Wellness Syrup today to let it take the strain. I've ordered mine...what are you waiting for? Order yours today, don't delay! 

This product is 

In closing, you can find Floating O Farms on Pinterest or by email at 

Have a GREAT weekend! 

Heart to Heart Soul Creations

Disclaimer:  “The statements and views of my blog have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.”


  1. I have a friend on Facebook who sells this in a Cough Syrup I have been wanting to try. She owns a Garden in Fort Worth. When your better we will have to visit her. In the meantime this farms sounds like a nice restful place to visit and what people need in this time of crisis.

  2. I've keep elderberry syrup on hand for colds and allergies. Since my hubby is on so many prescription meds, I like that he can take this without any side effects.


Remember When

Remember when things were simple, and life just seemed to BE.  As I am sitting here at my crafty desk working on the album for the Boutiqu...