Monday, April 27, 2020

Broken Vessel

27 Apr 2020
The Ultimate Blog Challenge

Sitting at my desk this morning thinking about my day and what I want to accomplish over the next few hours.

Pandora is playing in the background, the lawn guy is mowing the yard. The dog is barking. Not really paying attention to the music playing as my mind is thinking about other things that have occurred over the course of the last year or so. I hear these words...

All these pieces
broken and scattered

in Mercy gathered
mended and whole

but not forsaken 


Amazing Grace
How sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me

I once was lost
but now I'm found

was blind but now I see

I can see YOU now
I can see the love in your eyes

laying  yourself down
raising up the broken to life...

You take our failure
You take our weakness

The song continues to play. These words are part of the song taken from Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace) by Hillsong. You can listen to the song in its entirety on YouTube.

As I think about the words being sung - I'm reminded of all of my failures and my victories in life. Many I can't explain and others I know God was in the middle of it all. 

Removing self from the equation is difficult at times. Even when it's obvious that is what needs to happen. I'm human...we are human, they are human. 

Today, I'm going to find shelter, not because of the pandemic - but because of where my heart is. It needs to heal in ways I can't explain. My mind needs to heal from words spoken, choices made, and actions taken, not to mention the loss of living, breathing people.

As long as we all live and breathe, hearts will be hurt, shattered, and broken. Words will be left unsaid and more questions will be raised. 

But for today, I'm going to rest in Him...because it is only through him, I breathe. It's through Him I find peace. It's through Him I can hold my head up high. It's through Him I can move forward...

Heart to Heart Soul Creations

Facebook: H2hsc2020
Twitter: H2hsc2020
Instagram: Heart to Heart Soul Creations

Pinterest: Heart to Heart Soul Creations (H2hsc2020)

#inspiration, #blogboost, #ultimateblogchallenge, #life, #resilience, #forgiveness, #selfreflection, #selfworth


  1. Love this. A good reminder of where our peace and rest really comes from. :) (I also love Amazing Grace by Chris Tomlin - one of my favorites!)

  2. Beautiful and a perfect song to listen to in Music class and discuss what it means in our lives.

  3. Amazing Grace is one of my favorite songs, it may be time for more of us to rest in Him.


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