Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Earth Day 2020 and Elderberries

22 Apr 2020
Ultimate Blog Challenge


Today is Earth Day. This year marks 50 years that Earth Day has been in place. In years past, there have been groups of people gathered together to clean up our planet by cleaning up their local cities, beaches, parks, abandoned buildings and lots, etc. Normally, there would be groups of people cleaning up local parks, abandoned buildings, our beaches, and the side of the roads. Groups of people have planted trees, gardens, given landscapes an upgrade to bring awareness to Mother Earth and our environment. 

Earth Day around the world brings action to many different issues. Climate Action.  Science and Education. People and Communities. Conservation and Restoration. Plastic and Pollution. 

Young and old alike have participated in Earth Days over the last 50 years. This year it's different since our Nation and abroad have been forced to have shelter in place due to the coronavirus pandemic. We see families planting gardens and teaching their children in the process (many are now being homeschooled). Families may go on walks and pick up the trash along the side of the roads while maintaining the 6 ft rule that's in place. 

Today, more and more people are paying attention to the coughs, sniffles, and sanitation. They are reaching for the hand sanitizers and washing their hands more than they had before. The COVID-19 epidemic has put our nation on notice and opened up eyes to so many people of the importance of taking note of health issues that normally would be shrugged off as the common cold or annual flu. 

Earth Day also brings awareness to our health. This leads me to talk about Elderberries. I would like to introduce you to Floating O Farms, Texas Elderberries. They are the first commercial and organic elderberry farm in Texas. You can find them in Bogata, Texas. 

Since April 1, 2015, Jason and Dani Morris have been running and operating the farm. 

There are many benefits of Elderberries. They boost your immune system and stop the flu virus from attaching to good cells so it cannot replicate. Their elderberries have Vitamins A, B, C, iron, potassium, and antioxidants. Floating O Farms practice sustainable farming methods for the cultivation and growth of their produce. Their goal is to offer local organic nutraceuticals fresh from their farm for your health supplement needs. 

There are 5 TOP benefits of Elderberries. They are, 

1. Cold & Flu Relief - Elderberry is an excellent immune system booster. It is also known to help relieve cold and flu symptoms while reducing the duration of sickness. 

2. Allergy Relief - The flower of the elder plant is known to be an effective herbal remedy for the treatment of allergy and hay fever-like symptoms. 

3. Lower Blood Sugar - Both elderflowers and elderberries have been used to treat diabetes. Research has shown that elderflowers stimulate glucose metabolism and the secretion of insulin. 

4. Cancer Prevention - Elderberry is rich in anthocyanin, flavonoids, and other polyphenolics, which have a high antioxidant capacity and have demonstrated significant chemopreventative potential in lab studies. 

5. Heart Health - There is research that suggests elderberry extract may improve cardiovascular health and benefit high blood pressure. 

Elderberry Syrup can assist in taking the strain from our bodies. That is why Earth Day and Elderberries go hand in hand...they both are important to our well being.  

Heart to Heart Soul Creations

#Blogboost, #earthday2020, #elderberries, #healthawareness, #climateawareness, #environment, #farming, #healthbenefits, #vitamins, #sustainablefarming, #organic, #floatingofarms


  1. I love elderberries. Thanks for sharing so much detail about them and their health benefits. Particularly in this season of much needed immune support. Happy day!

  2. I know a lot of people praise elderberries, but all I can think about is "Arsenic and Old Lace" and the two elderly sisters poisoned their victims with elderberry wine with a "teaspoon of arsenic, half a teaspoon of strychnine, and just a pinch of cyanide" (I was in the play in high school)


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